Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP)

学习同步就业计划(LAEP)是2023年春季建立的一项州勤工俭学计划. LAEP为合格的代表性不足的本科生和教学证书学生提供赚钱的机会,以帮助支付他们的教育费用, while gaining education-aligned, career-related experience.

LAEP仍处于实施阶段,学生只能与校园合作伙伴一起工作. 学生可以通过兼职工作获得一笔资金. LAEP参与者每月领取一次工资,最低工资为加州的最低工资.

Research-based employment

Potential employers (e.g., on-campus departments) are eligible 如果他们与学习相关的就业机会为参与的学生提供了直接参与各自部门开展的研究的机会.

研究不限于科学研究,也可以在学科之外进行. The research should be directed and supervised by faculty, 确定研究要求的员工或其他导师.

Student Eligibility

Once LAEP has fully launched campus-wide, 财政援助办公室将通知学生他们的潜在资格. 获得LAEP奖励的学生可以开始申请校园研究机会. 请参阅以下要求参加这个项目. Based on available funding, the demand for LAEP, and as required by CSAC, 财政援助办公室也将进一步确定奖学金的优先级,如优先级部分所述.



LAEP Criteria


Required for participation

Required for Participation



Student must meet all of the criteria to participate.


·                 First generation college students

·         Pell Eligible (low-income students)

·         Current or former foster youth


·         Students with disabilities

·         Displaced workers

·         Students with dependent children

·         Formerly incarcerated students

·                 Half-time enrollment (minimum)

·         CA resident classification


·         Demonstrated financial need

·         Eligibility to work in the United States

·                 First generation college students

·         Current or former foster youth



经济援助办公室进一步优先考虑符合这些描述的主修科学的学生, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline.


Hour Limits

在8月中旬至5月中旬的学年期间,学生每周最多可以工作20小时. 工作时间取决于LAEP奖励的数量和雇主的需要. Students cannot work over their approved LAEP award.

根据具体情况,LAEP可能会提供夏季就业机会. 为了有资格参加暑期LAEP项目,学生必须:

  • 至少有一半的时间参加完成学位或证书所需的暑期课程,或者

  • 在以下正常学期中,至少接受半日制的入学(i.e., Fall term). 在这种情况下,学生最多可以工作40个小时(全职工作),前提是他们没有超过LAEP奖励.

Employment Policies

Once the student has secured a research opportunity, 学生必须在开始工作前完成LAEP就业授权流程. Students must provide I-9 Employment Verification Documentation Opens in new window to Human Resources.  


雇主将提交学生开始工作所需的所有文件. At any time during the employment period, if the student becomes ineligible for the LAEP award, 经济援助办公室将与雇主沟通状态变化,协调任何剩余的LAEP付款,并调整学生已获得的工资奖励.

Pay Periods

Pay periods are based on the calendar month. At the end of the month, 学生在下个月的15日或之前签署并提交他们的LAEP时间表给他们的导师付款. 雇主将填写并提交考勤报告给工资服务. If the Attendance Report is submitted late, student will still be paid, but the payment may be delayed.

Pay Checks

The employer distributes the pay checks. Pay day is on or before the 15th of each month. 学生只会根据他们在上个月的LAEP时间表上的工作时间和报告时间获得报酬.

Monitoring Laep earnings

学生和雇主负责监督LAEP工资,并确保LAEP奖励在整个就业期间可用. 强烈建议雇主制定一个学期的时间表,其中包括估计的雇佣结束日期. 雇主也有责任通知学生,当LAEP的资金在雇佣期内用完时(例如.e., semester or aid year).


Moreover, 如果雇主怀疑学生的学习时间超过了LAEP奖励金额,则必须与LAEP协调员沟通.  LAEP协调器与SBS会计团队一起跟踪所得工资, however the data is not live, 因此,财政援助办公室不能阻止学生获得超过LAEP奖励.


Need more assistance?

Contact the Office of Financial Aid

Phone: 657-278-3125
